My blog just hit 1,000 views! I shall celebrate this rather unremarkable
milestone with a new, long overdue post!
But I won’t do that.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. See…I’m back on the wagon. Well…more like trailing half-heartedly behind
the wagon while whining, “Hey guuuuys?
Can you slow doooown?” What does
that look like, exactly? Well, I haven’t
bought a package of Oreos in about a month.
And, with no measurable degree of regularity, I've been increasing my
vegetable intake. That’s about it at
this point. Baby steps.
And before you send me recipes for some fantastic vegan,
sugar-free, wheat free, ingredient free cookies that are “totally awesome”…let
me just stop you by saying that I don’t consider those cookies. I consider them food. I might even consider them “pretty good,
actually”. But I don’t consider them
cookies. For something to be a cookie it
has to be at least a little bit bad for you.
“But Amy,” you might say, “even a cookie that is high in fat
and sugar can be okay if consumed in moderation within the context of a
balanced and healthy diet.” Well, if you
can consume delicious cookies in moderation, bully for you. I’m still working on that.
Why am I attempting to rein in my cravings? I’d like to give you some explanation along
the lines of, “It’s not about losing weight, I really just want to be healthier
and take care of my body.” But I’d be
lying to you if I said that. It’s totally,
definitely about losing weight. Despite the fact that I’m still nursing Sam
(for now…until he finally succeeds in actually biting my nipples off, as he’s
been trying to do with his new chompers of late), the weight is not just
effortlessly falling off. I literally
thought I was pregnant earlier this week.
My poochy tummy wasn't the only thing that had me thinking pregnancy was
a possibility…I've also been really tired the last couple of weeks (my first pregnancy
symptom with Sammy), and almost insatiably hungry. Then, yesterday I was convinced that I was
feeling a bit nauseous. But I tested
this morning and it was negative, so that can only mean one thing. It’s time for a diet.
I think I’d rather be pregnant than on a diet…although
dieting is definitely cheaper, since it doesn't require monthly doctor visits
and a lifelong commitment to love, nurture, and protect another human life. Plus, despite the mild to moderate case of
baby fever that I've been battling for the last month or two, realistically I
know that right now would be not the greatest, most convenient time to start
adding to our family again. Although…when
is having a baby ever convenient?
Never. If you decide to have a
baby, you’re basically asking to be inconvenienced. But despite that, I was still a little disappointed
when I saw the single pink line on the pregnancy test this morning. Because it’s so worth all the inconvenience…definitely,
emphatically worth it.
So…it looks like I’ll be talking myself out of two things
for a while: Cookies and more babies.
Hopefully, maybe 20 pounds from now, there will be a time when I can say
yes to both again. And for now I’ll
enjoy what I already have…Sammy…my adorable, sweet baby boy.
And these carrot sticks…I guess.