

I know I mentioned in my first post that this blog won't be written about any one particular topic, or to any one particular niche audience.  But if you want to get a feel for thing things that I'm interested/involved in that you might hear about at some point during my ramblings, here's a few things about me for those that are interested...

1)  When I was growing up (and even still, if I'm honest with myself), I wanted to be a singer.

2)  Instead of being a singer, I am an administrative assistant at a Chicagoland publishing didn't quite hit the mark on that one.  While it's not, by any stretch of the imagination, my dream career, I am grateful to work with some really great people, at a really great company, that does really great things.  And that all certainly counts for something!

4)  I LOVE to read.  And read.  And read.   Although, before your see that and think, "wow...she must be really smart," let me confess...I pretty much only read fiction.  Unless it's really interesting history/biography/memoir, I have little patience for non-fiction.  I'm always thinking, "enough already...give me a bulleted list of your ideas and supporting facts and let's be done with it!"

5)  Throughout my formal education, I always enjoyed writing, but I really developed a passion for it as a Communications major in college.  Unfortunately, after graduation my writing kind of went by the wayside.  I dabbled here and there, but never had much discipline about it.  Consequently, my skills have dulled a bit...something I'm hoping to remedy with this blog.

6)  I am Hansen.  He's wonderful.  More on that later, I'm sure!

7)  I gave birth to my son, Samuel (aka Sammy), on April 1st, 2014.  And I can't wait till he's old enough that I can start playing fun pranks on him every year as part of his birthday present.  He will forever regret his decision to be born on April Fool's Day, rather than in March (when he was due).  He will pay for my prolonged suffering!  I'm kidding, of course.  Or am I?  Anyway...Sammy is the best.  I love my nieces, I love my nephews, but Sammy lights up my world.  I'm a new mother, so forgive me if I worry, whine, or exclaim over things that aren't that big of a deal.  It's all new to me!

8)  When I have time, I like to sing, cook, bake, knit, crochet, and garden (mostly vegetables and potted glamorous flower beds for me).  I'm not really into exercise, though I do enjoy a nice long walk or bike ride.

9)  I love my family dearly, and cherish our traditions (mundane as they may seem), so you'll probably be hearing about a lot of them, too.

10)  We have a dog.  Her name is Faith.  And she's very fluffy.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my thoughts, interests and experiences.  I hope you find some enjoyment and entertainment in the them.

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